Approved by Visit Hammerfest - a local seal of quality

Writen by: Katrine Næss

Approved by Visit Hammerfest

Visit Hammerfest launched the "Approved by Visit Hammerfest" quality mark in 2021. From now on in the Hammerfest region, you will be able to see this mark on marketing materials, restaurant windows, clothing and on our suppliers' websites.

Visit Hammerfest has a vision for the region to deliver world-class urban and Arctic experiences, and this is a step in the desired direction. Hammerfest as a place and region already offers urban and spectacular arctic settings for good experiences. But in order to reach "world-class experiences", the destination company, in collaboration with all member actors, must work purposefully to raise the level of professionalism, quality and safety.

We want our guests to have a safe and good experience, and by booking services and experiences through the suppliers with this quality mark, you know as a guest that it is a serious player who is part of organized tourism and who strives towards our shared vision.

The focus on responsible tourism has increased considerably in recent years, and guests set strict quality requirements for companies today. With the "Approved by Visit Hammerfest" label, demands are placed on the member actors' responsibility, which in turn gives guests the opportunity to make safe choices.

Approved by Visit Hammerfest must ensure:

• Quality

• Professionalism

• Safety

All three points must be satisfied by our member actors. The quality process to become a partner in Visit Hammerfest involves several points that companies must document in order to be approved.


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